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Coach Sandy Benz

Sandrine Profile_edited.jpg
St. Gallen, Switzerland

Sandy started getting involved in the triathlon sport in her mid-twenties. After just a couple of years in this sport, she joined the Trisutto Squad very early in her athletic career and became a successful Age-Group-Athlete on the short course. After numerous World and Continental Titles in short course triathlon and duathlon, she decided to give it a try on the professional circuit and is working hard to make it up to this level up to this day.

Sandy started coaching athletes across all levels and distances 3 years ago and is currently developing her own squad across Central Europe.

Sandy is based in St.Gallen, Switzerland. In addition to that, she’s also to be found regularly in St.Moritz, on the Canary Islands and around Würzburg, Germany.

Languages: German, English, French

Training Squad: TRI it – and you’ll rock the Triathlon World

Please contact Sandy directly for coaching enquiries.


At the age of 17, I got involved in Cross Country Running while being at High School and found big pleasure in that. Unfortunately, a serious knee injury made a surgery at the age of 20 inevitable. During the rehabilitation of that surgery, the doctor recommended me to go swimming. So I took a class to learn freestyle-swimming from the grassroots and later joined the Universities’ swim squad which I trained with for 5 years. 

A few months post-surgery I was asked to go cycling to support the healing process in my knee. That’s how I found my way on the saddle of a road bike. Once, I was allowed to run again, I thought that I might as well do a triathlon since I was now capable of swimming and cycling. So I toed the startline of my first triathlon in 2007 and decided after the finishline that this is the sport I wanted to get involved in more deeply.


After a few years of «freestyling myself through the triathlon world» with average racing results, I joined Brett’s squad and achieved results I had not even dared to dream of. After 5 World Titles, 3 European Titles and overall 30 podiums in National and International Championship Races in Triathlon (Sprint Distance, Olympic Distance and Half Distance) and Duathlon, I decided to give it a go in the professional circuit which is where I’m racing at up to this day.


3 years ago, I started coaching other athletes. It was my way to say thank you to the help I have received myself in order to make my most outrageous athletic dreams come true to help other athletes making their athletic dreams come true as well. Finding big pleasure in coaching athletes across all ages and distances, I decided to take the Trisutto Coaching Certification Class to get a deeper insight into the Trisutto Training Principles in order to fully understand his «recipe to success» that has brought up numerous triathlon champions up to this day.


My athletes benefit from the mix of my own experience as a dua- and triathlete for more than 10 years, the know-how of the Trisutto Training Principles I could learn from over a period of nearly 10 years as well as from my educational background with a completed Masters Degree from University in the Science of Sports and Physical Exercise, combined with 15 years of teaching Physical Education at school.


My own philosophy – as an athlete as well as a coach – is : « Be like a postage stamp : Stick to something until you get there. »

Why do you work with Trisutto?

Under the guidance of Jo Spindler, Robbie Haywood, Susie Langley and Brett Sutton, I turned from an unknown «Middle-Field-Finisher» into a multiple Age Group European and World Champion. 

While no one believed this as being possible due to my relatively late start in the sport of triathlon, I experienced myself what a tremendous difference the way you train in daily life can make in the development of your performance.


Having experienced the Trisutto Training Philosophy as such a big game-changer on my own journey, it was clear to me that I want to help other athletes reaching their full athletic potential the same way I was helped – with the Trisutto Training Principles.

What have you achieved in your coaching career?

Many an athlete has found his way into my coaching program at the very beginning of his journey in the triathlon sport. So I had the privilege to accompany a handful of athletes from the state of being a true beginner in triathlon sport to the first finishline of an Ironman or an Ironman 70.3 event. Furthermore, I could help a couple of athletes to move up to the podium ranks after years of finishing in the middle field of their Age-Group. Last but not least, I had the honor to prepare 5 ambitioned athletes to their first International Championship Race.

Over the past 3 years, my squad of 11 athletes has won 20 medals on national level, one of them being a golden one at the latest Swiss Championship.


My squad addresses athletes from Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Great Britain in first place and is aiming to become the most successful and inspiring Age-Group-squad there has ever been in the sport of Dua- and Triathlon.

Open to coach which levels of athlete:

  • Age-Group

  • Junior and U23

  • Elite


Sandy hat mir sehr geholfen, endlich in ein durchdachtes und sinnvolles Trainings-Konzept zu gehen. Die letzten Jahre habe ich planlos vor mich hintrainiert und bin stagniert - jetzt weiß ich, dass sich hinter jeder Minute Training eine Idee und Sinn verbirgt. 

Besonders begeistert mich die Erreichbarkeit und Flexibilität von Sandy, denn es ist für Age-Grouper manchmal herausfordernd, den Job, die Familie und den Sport unter einen Hut zu bringen. Daher bin ich unheimlich dankbar für den perfekten Support um meine Ziele zu erreichen.

Dominik, 31 Jahre

Wo kein Feuer, da kein Funke. Eine hohe Eigenmotivation und die Fähigkeit, mit der eigenen Begeisterung Andere anzustecken, beschreibt Sandrine auf den Punkt. 

Seit mehreren Monaten ist Sandrine meine Trainerin und diese Entscheidung werde ich niemals bereuen. Sandrine hat nicht nur ein sehr breites Know-how sondern auch ein ausgezeichnetes Gespür für den Menschen „hinter“ der*m Sportler*in.  

Genau das schätze ich als Studentin und Sportlerin sehr. Denn wenn man seine Ziele nachhaltig erreichen will, ist es sehr wichtig, den richtigen Impuls zum richtigen Zeitpunkt zu setzten.

Kurz zusammengefasst; Sandrine ist 1A!

Sina, 20 Jahre

Dank Sandrine habe ich gelernt kontinuierlich zu trainieren. Auch wenn man mal müde von der Arbeit oder von den letzten Trainingstagen ist – einfach jedes Training so gut zu machen, wie es gerade geht.

You are an Ironman am Ende zu hören war ein grosser Traum von mir. Sandrine hat mir geholfen, mir diesen Traum zu erfüllen. Nebst dem Planen der Trainings stand mir Sandrine auch mit weiterführenden Empfehlungen (Wettkampfverpflegung, Mindset, Material) zur Seite, was sehr hilfreich war, um meinen ersten Ironman ins Ziel zu bringen.

Daniel, 27 Jahre

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