Trisutto inside is a world wide community of like minded individuals that encourage, build and live the triathlon lifestyle. Membership includes structured and effective training, opportunity to ask questions, share experiences, discuss topics and receive feedback and motivation from experienced Trisutto coaches.
Gain further insight into your training with Brett’s regular video updates where he answers member questions, and discusses topics to help you be a better athlete.
Achieve your goals with consistent training, motivation and support. Follow our structured training with 3 levels designed to cater for all athletes. Workouts are tailored to meet the requirements of each level, while maintaining a core weekly structure, so athletes can move between the levels if they decide to do more or fewer hours of training.
Presented two weeks at a time, the structure and volume remain consistent throughout the rolling 14 days (updated every 14 days). Uncomplicated, but highly effective.

The plan builds triathlon specific strength and speed, and can be followed indefinitely. Designed so that athletes can commence on any given day of the week.
The same training principles used to train our professional athletes, and developed over 30+ years of coaching triathletes
- improve speed

- improve strength endurance
- improve technique
There are no additional expensive purchases required:
- GPS watch is not required
- heart rate monitor is not required
- power meter is not required
- smart turbo or cycling software is not required.
Train by feel, with effort levels gauged by you - the best computer you have! With fewer gadgets and disconnecting from metrics we develop feel for training intensity, and also fatigue. Removing unnecessary complications and distractions helps with consistency, improvement and enjoyment!
Athletes can commence on any day of the week, and can align the days with their personal circumstances e.g. long bike doesn’t have to be on a weekend.
Using the principles of reverse periodisation, iron distance athletes are well positioned to build into a higher volume plan in the two months prior to their event.
Example of Day 1, first workout swim; second workout bike

Our community hub is our forum to share knowledge, discuss training and connect with fellow Trisutto inside athletes. Coaches Susie and Robbie are on hand as moderators, and along with Brett to offer training advice.

All your triathlon questions answered. Video posts with Sutto answering varied questions submitted by members. Updated every fortnight.
Example video extract:
Taken from lectures and squad training sessions, these 'gold' tips can make a big difference to your training, race performance, and life! Updated monthly.
Experience Sutto in full flight in clips taken at training camps around the world. Updated monthly.
Example video extract:
Entertaining and insightful stories that come from 50+ years of coaching over 400 athletes.

15% discount on ALL Trisutto training and racing apparel.
30% discount on all Trisutto training plans. Iron distance, half distance, olympic, pro workouts, stimulus plans. All triathlon and individual swim / bike /run plans included.
At Trisutto we believe in swim, bike and run techniques for triathlon, that are further refined for each individual. Active members may be selected for video review of bike position, swim and run technique, with recommendations of training tools (e.g. suitable buoy, paddles).