10 Trisutto Turbo Sets contains a a mix of Strength, Power and Endurance bike sets designed specifcally for the turbo trainer. Workouts range in time from 90 mins to a maximum 3 hours. These sets are suitable for both professional and age group athletes.
The turbo trainer (windtrainer / bike trainer) is one of the best training tools available. It is:
• Time efficient – jump on and go.
• The best tool for developing strength as we can add additional resistance for big gear intervals.
• There are no stops / traffic lights, or intersections so no unscheduled rest breaks or disruptions when doing hard interval or tempo rides.
• There are no cars, pedestrians, etc so we can focus 100% on the workout rather than holding back 2% to watch for traffic hazards.
• It is safe! Every year training on the road becomes more dangerous, and safe locations for training become more scarce.
• Some winter climates make riding outside difficult for part of the year – snow, rain, etc.
This product, '10 Trisutto Turbo Sets' is provided under the assumption that the participant has a basic level of fitness, has been actively training recently, is injury free and can complete 60 mins of continuous riding.
10 Turbo sets
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