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10 top tips for preventing injuries
1. Listen to your body I don't know how many times my body was giving me signs and I was getting little niggles, which I often ignored...

The importance of recovery
Over the years I have been very misunderstood by many pundits who have not even taken the time to visit our coaching camps to see what we...

Recovery - the Trisutto way
Working with the Trisutto team of coaches over the years there is always one message our coaches seem to struggle to get across to all...

Recovering from overtraining & chronic fatigue
I recently received the following question on overtraining: Would you consider publishing an article about recovering from...

Post race recovery strategies
As many people know I don’t follow typical recovery processes for my athletes (which has been disproven by many studies anyway). But I...

Active Recovery
I thought I would put the two subjects of Rest and Christmas together, as both need to be integrated to have a happy holiday period for...

A Season For All Things
Triathlon is a draining sport and too often I see professional and age group athletes racing and training at a high level year-round, day...

Sickness does not have to kill your race!
At January’s 70.3 Dubai (also the opening race of this years Triple Crown), the Angry Bird, Daniela Ryf flew just high enough to win....

Ageing and recovery
As more and more people stay longer in the sport of Triathlon or decide to try the sport for the first time at an advanced age, then...

Tapering for Kona
As we get down to what is normally considered taper time for Kona, lots have been asking for my take on an article published yesterday by...

Looking for clues: Walk this way
These athletes had one thing in common, strong minds and a will to understand walking without much impact not only kept their muscles in sha
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