The art of continuous improvement - how we develop the best training system in the world for everyone, not just the pros.
When I'm asked about certain changes in our athlete training protocol or techniques, I point out that our Trisutto Total Body Force method (TBF) is always open to being improved. The strength of our training program is built on daily on deck workouts we do with the best athletes in the world, plus our ability to pass on positive improvements we see being made by athletes that are challenged by improvements in their weakest disciplines.
What does that really mean?
The best squad of pro athletes in the world are always carrying out experiments in all three disciplines. When we see a better way or a positive outcome from these athletes, we pass this information on to our coaches, and hence on to our Trisutto athletes.
This is not the usual theoretical 'let’s run a study on 6 age groupers' that you read on a weekly basis on forums and in magazines. Instead, where we have athletes not seeing the improvements, we believe is possible for them, then we experiment with training in specific areas. We search for innovative ways to overcome the 'roadblock' and to find a solution. If we find an improvement with that particular athlete, we try it out over a period of time with another athlete that may be struggling with the same impediment to improvement. If again we have another success story, we still don’t pass the information on, but try another athlete. If this is also successful, then we incorporate this knowledge into our training system, and pass the information on to our coaches to implement should they wish to do so.
This allows all of our athletes to be at the forefront of experiments that we conduct with our pro squad in all disciplines.
To give an example. In the past, Nicola Spirig underwent a 4 month (yes 4 months, not 4 days, not 4 weeks) experimental swimming technique change. During that time, some of the findings have seen two of our other pros switched to the same swim technique protocol, along with two of our coaches who have also unwittingly become Guinea Pigs.
All five showed improvements in training. Three of the five raced and demonstrated improvements. These are tests that are performed in a race situation, not in a lab. These findings were passed on to our coaches, and hence to athletes attending Trisutto training camps.
Our strength and our consistent results are founded on 28 years of trial and error with the best athletes in the world. This has enabled us to develop our Trisutto TBF athlete training methodology, so we can pass on our best knowledge to athletes, and also develop our Trisutto Certification to train aspiring coaches. Athletes and coaches can learn from our experience to get an edge in Triathlon.
We strive to be better than everyone else. We strive to share our information and do so only once I believe it can help enhance the performance of our athletes.
The Kaizen method of continuous improvement is an originally Japanese management concept for gradual/continuous change (improvement). Kaizen is actually a way of life philosophy, assuming that every aspect of our life deserves to be constantly improved.
If you have been advised to try a new development, whether that be swim, bike or run, then be assured that it is no new theory from a University classroom, or a late-night brainstorm by a coach desperately 'looking for clues'. Instead, be assured it’s been road-tested by not one, but a bunch of the best athletes in the world, well before it reaches your ears.
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