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Breaking out of lockdown fever!

I hope this blog finds your areas and governments starting to ease restrictions. This blog is more for those who already have 2 or 3 weeks of outside training.

Here is my tip - if you have not already started to get niggles in a few places, such as sore calves, tight achilles, sore shoulder aches, then be aware that 50% probably will.

If you are like some in my squad, who were advised to build gradually, but can't help yourself:

- Feeling the wind in your hair on the bike, and feeling so good you just want to do more of it; the exhilaration of not being on a turbo!

- To be back swimming in the pool which you may never have enjoyed before but has taken on a whole new dimension as it feels so good to be back in the water!

- And last but not least, the 'hills are alive' and you can run all day if you want as it's so mentally stimulating. Oh what a feeling!

Well, after 2 or 3 weeks that may have changed to 'I'm a bit sore here or there, but it's not because of the lockdown, it is just coincidence'.

I'm not going to argue the obvious, however I will give you some sound advice -

One day off training does very little. Two days off under normal training conditions is far superior. However for breaking out of lockdown fever give yourself three rest days where at least one day you do absolutely nothing. Lock yourself down again, eat, drink, and take your mind off Triathlon. Then restart, building back up to full training over the next 72 hours.

Take the tip as it could save your season. If you carry niggles while you enjoy your new freedom, you won't get to that race you are dreaming of in one piece, and if you do you will be walking.

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