Junior doing it old school
Last weekend at the Junior European Cup race in Yenisher, Turkey we witnessed an ITU performance that was a throwback to racing of 20 years ago. Our Viking Foundation athlete Marti Kropko turned the clock back with an eye popping performance leading the swim, then soloing away on the bike with a catch me if you can strategy. With the fastest swim and fastest bike splits of the day, then backing it up with her best run to date to take the win. Her effort had this old coach thinking back to the days of the great Loretta Harrop who used the tactic to great effect in the late 90s and early 2000s.
While it's a long way from a junior race in Turkey to the Olympics, at The Viking Foundation we are very proud to see Marti having the courage to do it on her own.
Dominant performance by Marti in Yenisher
Not to be out done, Marti's brother Marton competed in the junior men's race, conceding up to 3 years in age on his competitors. He raced bravely in the breakaway group and was only dropped in the sprint finish, taking an encouraging and hard fought 4th place.
Both performances suggest the Kropko name is going to once again grace the big race venues in the triathlon world.
Congratulations to The Viking Foundations M&M's. The team is very proud of you Marti and Marton.
Pre-race intros, meet the M&M's!